EquiMud hoof clay by The Equid Apothecary is a high quality purifying hoof clay, made with carefully selected, all-natural ingredients including pure Tasmanian honey, essential oils and zinc oxide.
EquiMud hoof clay is ideal for use in the frog, sulcus and other shallow hoof crevices. EquiMud hoof clay contains no harsh or corrosive ingredients known to degrade beneficial microbiota and solar/frog tissue. In particular, it is free from copper sulphate!
The thick, yet smooth consistency provides for a very easy to apply product. If you can’t beat the mud, join it! Clay is designed to adhere to the hoof as mud would – allowing us to compete with and replace debris with a purifying alternative.
EquiMud hoof clay is perfect for application under 3D pads, dental impression material, glue on shoes and during prolonged hoof boot use.
Available in 200gm or 400gm. In the case of deeper cracks and resections EquiFibre is recommended.
Disclaimer: Intended for animal use only. This product makes no therapeutic claim. Discontinue use of any adverse reactions and consult your veterinarian.
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